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"SINCE 2006"

Linux Administration

Duration: 2 M

Price: $ 150

Linux System Administration has become most required skillset for an organization and institute that requires a solid IT foundation. Hence, the need for efficient Linux administrators is the requirement of the time. The job profile might change from each organization as there may be added responsibilities and duties to the role. The course helps you to achieve the full-fledge Linux Administrator requirements:

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Course Contents

Introduction to Linux

  • History of Linux
  • Core Linux Distributions
  • Let's install a virtual box  
  • Let's Install a Ubuntu Linux Server  

Basics of Linux commands & File Structure

  • Console vs Graphical Terminals
  • Basics of Command Shell
  • Common Linux Directory Names
  • More fun things with sudo  
  • Linux Directory Structure  
  • Linux Boot Process in Detail  
  • Common Linux Commands: pwd, clear, cd, ls, cat, cp, mv, mkdir, rmdir, rm, touch, locate, find, grep, sudo df, du, head, tail, diff, tar, chown, chgrp, jobs,  kill, ping, wget, uname, top, history, man, echo, zip, unzip, hostname, useradd, userdel

File Management

  • Basics of Nano text editor in Linux                          
  • Basics of VI , VIM text editor in Linux  
  • Copying , renaming & deleting files  
  • Making fun with Operators & && || ; !
  • Command Redirection & Piping in Linux  

Process Management

  • Basics of Process Management

User & Group Management

  • User Management  
  • User & Password Management  
  • Group Management  
  • File / Directory Permissions in Linux
  • Managing File & Group Ownership  
  • Working with Advanced Linux Permissions  
  • Setting up umask , understanding soft links & Hard links  
  • Granting sudo Access to other users 
  • Let's Play with Access Control List 

Disk Management

  • Checking disk usage !
  • Partitions & File system management
  • Mount , umount & Permanent mounting
  • Another way to Manage Partition & File System
  • LVM ( Logical Volume Manager ) 

Network Management

  • Basics of Network Management  
  • Setting up an static IP address  
  • Monitoring network services  
  • Talking with DNS Servers  
  • Remote System Administration with OpenSSH-Server & Putty  
  • Troubleshooting Network Problems

Setup Corporate Web Server

  • Installing & configuring Apache2 web Server  

Setup Corporate Email Server

  • Working of an Email Server  
  • Installing & configuring mail server  

Setup Corporate DNS Server

  • Basics of DNS server  
  • Install , Configure & Test DNS server  

Securing your Server

  • setup IPTABLES firewall  
  • Hardening SSH-Server  
  • Hardening Network Layer  
  • Protecting Against Rootkits  
  • Securing GRUB  

Miscellaneous useful stuff

  • Setting date & time  
  • Let's see a wget magic  
  • Compress & uncompress data with tar  
  • Planning Disaster Recovery & Management Steps

Asif Ali


Professional Trainer

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